Contact Us

Hello, my name is Gavin Ashworth, A.K.A “Its Me Gavin, Super Cub Bear”

I am a Certified Licensed Life insurance Agent and Founder of Cub Bear Insurance Agency. My current mission in life is to assist as many families as possible with finding the best “Final Expense” insurance policies to protect them when a loved one passes away.

My previous experience was with a Fortune 500 company as a corporate trainer of automotive guest experience agents. This is where I found my passion for helping people achieve their dreams and protect their families at the same time over the course of my 4 year career. It made me reflect on where I came from with a family of educators and caregivers. I know firsthand the emotional and financial challenges that the passing of a loved one causes. Selecting the right Final Expense Insurance is vitally important for you and your family.

I look forward to protecting your family as well, or as we like to say at Cub Bear Insurance Agency, “Protecting Your Cubs”

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